Blogroll Update and Linky-Dinks
Thanks to Maya's Granny, I've discovered some new blogs that deal with body image, weight and food issues. I'm updating my blogroll to add some of these.
Every Woman Has An Eating Disorder posted earlier this month about "Rich and Skinny Jeans" which apparently can be yours for a mere $200 from Bloomingdales. Not only is the implication that Rich and Skinny is inherently desirable, but now you can buy it! I remember an add campaign from the early 80's for a fancy watch--can't remember the brand--that was basically a long shot panning up the body of a very tanned, very thin, bikini-clad woman, and at the end she says "you can never be too rich or too thin" (quote originally attributed to the Duchess of Windsor). I always wondered how effective that ad campaign was. At the time I was going through a divorce and one of my extreme dieting periods, and I sure wanted that watch. If I saw that ad today, I'd be throwing a shoe at the TV and writing letters to CEO's. Check out her other posts too, some very interesting stuff there.
Adios Barbie is a blog I used to read regularly a few years ago, and I was delighted to see is still active.
When I first clicked on The Rotund and saw a picture of Audre Lorde, I knew I'd found another regular blog-stop. It's a great blend of feminism, politics and body image topics.
Also check out fat fu and Feed Me!
I'm off to update my blogroll now. Once I've had time to peruse some more of Granny's links I'll post them.
Edited to add: Another fun blog I stumbled across recently is too fat for fashion. Go check it out.
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