Just to give you an idea...
...of how much I have not been suffering on a medically restricted diet the last two weeks, here's tonight's dinner, my last meal at home on my low-iodine diet:
Herb roasted turkey breast
Beet infused potatoes
Brussels sprouts (one of my faves if prepared correctly)
Thursday when I come home from the hospital though, there will be sushi....
When you morph into the 50 ft woman, at least wear a helmet cam to document the attrocities of your rampage through LA. As for sushi, I would be wary, having watched the trailer for "The Host", a film from South Korea, that has a bit of a nasty river creature. That said, hope everything goes well and you don't turn into a raging "nukular" monster. Klaatu Nikto Barrada!
Trust me, if I have the powers of destruction, I vow to wipe out every strip mall between here and Santa Monica. Except for the ones with sushi bars.
How do you infuse beets into potatoes? That sounds intriguing.
Think of me while you enjoy your sushi. Just love it.
I have no idea how he did it, but the result was beet-flavored potatoes. They were wonderful.
I'm home from the hospital, but still feeling a bit wiped out. Had a lot of nausea yesterday, but am able to eat today, and enjoying my dairy again, and looking forward to some sushi.
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