Sunday, July 30, 2006


According to Wikpedia, it's a German term meaning "pleasure taken from someone else's misfortune." It's not something I'm proud of, but I do indulge from time to time, especially when someone who adopts a holier-than-thou stance is brought down by their own human failings, as in the recent case with Mel Gibson, uber Catholic who was recently arrested in Malibu for a DUI, and proceeded to launch into anti-Semitic and sexist comments directed at the officers on the scene.

What Would Jesus Do? I never met the guy, but from all accounts he probably wouldn't have called the female officer "sugar tits" or complained that the "Jews run everything."


Blogger Maya's Granny said...

Sadly, I also find myself giving a little crow when certain folks are caught being how they really are.

11:30 PM  

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